
My beautiful dysfunctional family

This week I want to start off with a couple questions to ponder:
Is parenting really necessary?
What is the purpose of parenting?

In class and through my studies I have discovered that parenting helps us learn to become more like God. With parenting comes responsibility and hard work, and without parenting comes a failed society.

Wait, did you read that right? How on earth can parenting be so important that is has an influence of society? That's right. Families influence society, so I would say parenting plays a huge role in the way the community is run. Overall, the purpose of parenting all boils down to protect and prepare children to survive and thrive in the world they will live in. Parenting protects children from themselves, physical objects such as sharp things, illnesses, etc. It also prepares children to become adults because as children grow up they learn habits and lifestyles from watching their parents.

Could you imagine going to Heaven only to find out that God is no smarter than you? How would that make you feel? That is how a child would feel if they didn't have parents to look up to or learn from. Basically, you're doing your kids a favor when you show them there's someone out there with more experience and wisdom. With this knowledge as a child comes more respect and admiration for the parents. It's your job to be their parent first.

Something else to know about parenting is is that it is not all about rewarding and punishing behaviors. Parenting styles matter, and it is important that you are able to respond wisely as to help promote healthy growing in your children.

My parents are imperfect, but perfectly supportive and encouraging

All in all, parenting has a purpose, and it is important for society and the wellness of the growing generations. I am grateful for my parents and their example and guidance for me growing up. I am still learning and growing, so their parenting skills are still being practiced. Although there might not be a perfect parenting style or practice, there is always an important role in being a parent.
