Communication is Key
Communication is the key to any successful relationship. This includes spouses, friends, and familial relationships. The three main channels of communication are the use of words, tone, and non-verbal. The most important form of communication is using non-verbal cues. One type of communicating may come about because of a conflict or disagreement. Communicating in this case is often easier said than done, so a good practice to use is the EAR skills. This includes channeling your best E mpathy skills, A ssertive skills, and R espectful skills. The E mpathy skills are used to prevent fueling the fire of a heated argument. This includes the disarming technique. The disarming technique prevents defensiveness by finding and focusing on the kernel of truth - especially the ones that seem unreasonable. Even if you feel like the other person is in the wrong, there may be some truth in the opposing side. Then, it is important to actually express empathy through your response. Finally, the la...